Yoko v0.2

The thoughtful little chatbot
All sections are dynamically generated from Yoko data - please be patient for loading!

Visualize knowledge data:

More on Yoko's knowledge

Download input knowledge files

I have some files that contain small phrases of 'facts' about the world that I use to test / set up Yokobot. They are typically reshaped from other data sources (for example some are from the 'mindpixel' project, others from available ALICE files, others simply from lists on an English learning site, etc...) They are formatted in json, here are some examples:

Language helping lists are also json files. Example:

Here is a zip with all current knowledge files: yokobot_knowledgefiles.zip

Visualize hierarchy of classes

Yoko, what do you know about ? (e.g. 'drinks')

Events Yoko knows about

Total count: 182
Written by Wouter - copyright 2013. Questions and remarks welcome at wouter@yokobot.com!
A lot more chatbots over at chatbots.org!